The extended Metropolis sampler: sippi_metropolis.m

The extended Metropolis algorithm is in general a much more efficient algorithm (compared to the rejection sampler for sampling the a posteriori probability

The extended Metropolis sampler can be run using

options.mcmc.nite=40000;    % number of iterations, default nite=30000
options.mcmc.i_sample=50;   % save the current model for every 50 iterations, default, i_sample=500
options.mcmc.i_plot=1000;   % plot progress of the Metropolis sampler for every 100 iterations
                            % default i_plot=50;
options.txt='case_line_fit'; % descriptive name appended to output folder name, default txt='';


One can choose to accept all steps in the Metropolis sampler, which willresult in an algorithm sampling the prior model, using

options.mcmc.accept_all=1; % default [0]

One can choose to accept models that lead to an improvement in the likelihood, which results in an optimization like algorithm using

options.mcmc.accept_only_improvements=1; % default [0]

See sippi_metropolis for more details.

Controlling the step length

One optionally, as part of running the extended Metropolis sampler, automatically update the ‘step’-length of the sequential Gibbs sampler in order to ensure a specific approximate acceptance ratio of the Metropolis sampler. See CHM12 for details.

The default parameters for adjusting the step length, as given below, are set in the ‘prior.seq_gibbs’ structure.
These parameters will be set the first time ‘sippi_prior’ is called with the ‘prior’ structure as output.The default parameters.

By default, adjustment of the step length, in order to achieve an acceptance ratio of 0.3 (‘prior{m}.seq_gibbs.P_target’), will be performed for every 50 (‘prior{m}.seq_gibbs.i_update_step’) iterations, using the acceptance ratio observed in the last 50 (‘prior{m}.seq_gibbs.i_update_history’) iterations.

Adjustment of the step length will be performed only in the first 1000 (‘prior{m}.seq_gibbs.i_update_step_max’) iterations.

In order to disable automatic adjustment of the step length simply set

prior{m}.seq_gibbs.i_update_step_max=0; % disable automatic step length

Controlling how to perturb the prior (when multiple priors exist)

When more than one prior structure is defined (e.g. prior{1}, prior{2},…) the perturbation strategy can be controlled by the options.mcmc.pert_strategy field.

options.mcmc.pert_strategy.perturb_all = 0;: [default] a random chosen prior is chosen for perturbation. The other prior types are ignored.

options.mcmc.pert_strategy.perturb_all = 1; Perturb all prior model at each iteration.

options.mcmc.pert_strategy.perturb_all = 2; Perturb a random selection of all prior at each iteration.

Further, when options.mcmc.pert_strategy.perturb_all = 0; the freqyency with which a prior is perturbed can be set using options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert and options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert_freq.

For example to perturb only prior{1} and prior{3}, while perturbing prior{1} 4 times more freqeuntly thanprior{3} use

options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert = [1,3]; % only perturb prior 1 and 3
options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert_freq = [2 8]; % perturb prior 3 80% of
                                                % the time and prior 1 20% % of the time

By default the probability of perturbing a specific prior is uniform. In case of 3 prior types this is set using:

options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert = [1,2,3]; % only perturb prior 1 and 3
options.mcmc.pert_strategy.i_pert_freq = [1,1,1]; % same probability of perturbing all prior types

The independent extended Metropolis sampler

The ‘independent’ extended Metropolis sampler, in which each proposed model is independant of the previously visited model, can be chosen by forcing the ‘step’-length to be 1 (i.e. leading to independant samples from the prior), using e.g.

% force independent prior sampling
for ip=1:length(prior);
% run 'independent' extended Metropolis sampling

Annealing schedule

Simulated annealing like behavior can be controlled in the options.mcmc.anneal structure. By default annealing is disabled.

Annealing consist of setting the temperature (similar to scaling the noise). A temperature foes not affect the exploration. For temperatures larger than 1, the acceptance ratio increases (the exploration of the Metropolis sampler increases). For temperatures below 1, the acceptance ratio decreases (and hence the exploration of the Metropolis sampler).

The temperature is set to options.mcmc.anneal.T_begin at any iteration before options.mcmc.anneal.i_begin. The temperature is set to options.mcmc.anneal.T_end at any iteration after options.mcmc.anneal.i_end.

In between iteration number options.mcmc.anneal.i_start and options.mcmc.anneal.i_end the temperature changes following either an exponential decay (options.mcmc.anneal.type='exp'), or simple linear interpolation (options.mcmc.anneal.type='linear').

An annealing schedule can be used allow a Metropolis sampler that allow exploration of more of the model space in the beginning of the chain. Recall though that the posterior is not sampled until (at least) the annealing has been ended at iteration, options.mcmc.anneal.i_end, if the options.mcmc.anneal.T_end=1. This can potentially help not to get trapped in a local minimum.

To use this type of annealing, where the annealing stops after 10000 iterations, after which the algorithm performs like a regular Metropolis sampler, use for example

options.mcmc.anneal.i_begin=1; % default, iteration number when annealing begins
options.mcmc.anneal.i_end=10000; %  iteration number when annealing stops

which is equivalent to

options.mcmc.anneal.i_begin=1; % default, iteration number when annealing begins
options.mcmc.anneal.i_end=10000; %  iteration number when annealing stops
options.mcmc.anneal.T_begin=5; % start temperature
options.mcmc.anneal.T_end=1; % end temperature

Parallel tempering

Parallel tempering is implemented according to S13. It is an extension of the Metropolis algorithm, that start a number of parallel chains of Metropolis sampling algorithms. Each chain is run with a different temperature, and the state of each chain is allowed jump between chains according to some rules that ensure the correct probability density is sampled. This allow the sampling algorithm to better handle a posterior distribution with multiple, disconnected, areas of high probability.

The following three setting enable parallel tempering.

options.mcmc.n_chains=3; % set number of chains (def=1, no multiple chains)
options.mcmc.T=[1 2 3];      % set temperature of chains [1:n_chains]
options.mcmc.chain_frequency_jump=0.1; % probability allowing a jump between two chains

options.mcmc.n_chains defines the number of chains. If not set only one chain is used, and the no parallel tempering is performed.

options.mcmc.T defines the temperature of each chain. A temperature of ‘1’, which is the default, implies no tempering. A higher temperature
allow a chain to be more exploratory.
options.mcmc.chain_frequency_jump defines the frequency with which a jump from one chain to another is suggested. A value of one means that a
jump is proposed at each iteration, while a value of 0.1 (default) means that a jump is only proposed with 10 percentage probability (on average
one in 10 iterations).