Linear Least Squares inversion: sippi_least_squares.mΒΆ

If the prior is defined using a pure (no histogram reproduction) Gaussian type prior model, a Gaussian likelihood/noise for the data, and a linear forward model, then the a posteriori probability density will also be Gaussian.

In this case the Gaussian a posterior probability density can be directly estimated using Linear Least Squares inversion (see e.g. Tarantola and Valette (1982) or Tarantola (2005)), which is available through sippi_least_squares.m, which can be called using


To compute posterior mean and covariance only use e.g.


A number of realizations from the posterior distribution can also be computed using


In this case the computed realizations, as well as all computed data, will be stored in the folder options.txt, similar to when using sippi_metropolis.m and sippi_rejection. Some figures analyzing the posterior distrbibution can then be generated using e.g. sippi_plot_posterior.m.

options.lsq contains all the operators that is used for the least squares inversion (d0,Cd,m0,Cm,G).