Polynomial line fitting

An simple of application of SIPPI is to perform linefitting, as a probabilistic inverse problem.

Here follows simple polynomial (of order 0, 1 or 2) line-fitting is considered. Example m-files and data can be found in the SIPPI/examples/case_linefit folder.

First, the forward problem is defined. Then examples of stochastic inversion using SIPPI is demonstrated using a a synthetic data set.

The challenge

Assume that some observed data d_obs are available, as function of a corresponding set of model parameters x. Assume alse that the observed data are contaminated by Gaussian noise, with mean 0, and standard devaiation 10.

cd SIPPI/examples/case_linefit load sippi_linefit_data errorbar(x,d_obs,d_std)


x=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]; d_obs = [ -36.5 -10.8 -24.0 -22.5 -16.1 -10.7 -9.2 -1.6 -6.4 -0.7 -18.5]; d_std = ones(size(d_obs)).*10; errorbar(x,d_obs,d_std)

The problem is now to infer information about the 3 parameters defining a 2nd order polynomium, given the data above.

Solving the problem using SIPPI

In roder to use SIPPI, the data, prior, and forward data strutures must be setup, and the a way of solving the forward problem must be defined.

The data

The observed data, as well as the associated uncertainty id defined in the sippi structure

data{1}.d_obs=d_obs; data{1}.d_std=d_std;

The prior

A prior distributions of tree parameters, reflecting coefficient of the polynomium, can be defined as for example;


%% setup the prior model % the intercept im=1; prior{im}.type=’gaussian’; prior{im}.name=’intercept’; prior{im}.m0=0; prior{im}.std=30;

% 1st order, the gradient im=2; prior{im}.type=’gaussian’; prior{im}.name=’gradient’; prior{im}.m0=0; prior{im}.std=4; prior{im}.norm=80;

% 2nd order im=3; prior{im}.type=’uniform’; prior{im}.name=’2nd’; prior{im}.min=-.3; prior{im}.max=.3;

Note that each model parameter is associated with it ownm independent, distritution. Here two Gaussian (N(0,30^2), and N(0,4^2)) as well as a uniform (U[-0.3 0.3]) is assumed.

A sample of the prior can be generated using



m =

1×3 cell array

[-19.4704] [3.1968] [-0.1655]

The forward problem

Finally, a way to solvge the forward problem must be implemented, that takes as input, at least m (a realization of the pror) and forward (a matlab structure that contains any informaion neede to solve the forward problem), and that produces an output d, where d{1} is of exactly the same size and type as ´data{1}.d_obs´.

One way to implement this as the m-file [sippi_forward_linefit.m](#sippi_forward_linefit):


% sippi_forward_linefit Line fit forward solver for SIPPI % % [d,forward,prior,data]=sippi_forward_linefit(m,forward,prior,data); % function [d,forward,prior,data]=sippi_forward_linefit(m,forward,prior,data);

if length(m)==1;
d{1}=forward.x.*0 + m{1};
elseif length(m)==2;


Here forward.x must be an array of the x-locations, for which the d-values will be computed.

Note that the prior must be defined such that prior{1} refer to the intercept, prior{2} to the gradient, and prior{3} to the 2nd order polynomial coefficient.

If only one prior type is defined then the forward response will just be a constant, and if two prior types are defined, then the forward response will be a straight line.

Having implemented the m-file that solves the forward problem in the style reqiured by SIPPI, the forward can be setup using

%% Setup the forward model in the ‘forward’ structure forward.x=x forward.forward_function=’sippi_forward_linefit’;

Evaluate the prior, data, and forward

A simple way find problems related to how prior, data, forward, and sippi_forward_linefit has been setup, correctly is to test wether he follwing three lines can be executed without errors:

m=sippi_prior(prior); d=sippi_forward(m,forward); logL=sipppi_likelihood(d,data);

Sampling the a posterior distribution

Information about the model parameters can be inferred by running the extended Metropolis sampler <#metropolis>__ or the rejection sampler <#rejection>__ using

Using the Metropolis sampler

The extended Metropolis sampler <chapSampling_metropolis.md>__ can be setup and run using:


options.mcmc.nite=40000; % Run for 40000 iterations options.mcmc.i_sample=100; % Save every 100th visited model to disc options.mcmc.i_plot=5000; % Plot the progress information for every 2500 iterations options.txt=’case_line_fit_2nd_order’; % descriptive name for the output folder


Generic statistics about the posterior can be plotted using.

% plot posterior statistics, such as 1D and 2D marginals from the prior and posterior distributions sippi_plot_prior_sample(options.txt); sippi_plot_posterior(options.txt); 20140521_1644_sippi_metropolis_case_line_fit_2nd_order_m1_3_posterior_sample.png

The figure below show the prior and posterior distribution of the 3 model parameters, as well as the reference values (used to generate the synthetic data set, in green)


The figure below plots forward response related to the obtained sample of the posterior distribution over the model parameters (gray), as well as the observed data (black), and the noise free reference data obtained from the reference set of model parameters. |image0|

Using the rejection sampler

In a similar manner the rejection sampler <chapSampling_rejection.md>__ can be setup and run using

options.mcmc.adaptive_rejection=1; % automatically adjust the normalizing likelihood options.mcmc.nite=100000; options=sippi_rejection(data,prior,forward,options);